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The Relationship Age Gap Rule with Day Precision

Calculate easily and accurately if the age gap between you and your desired partner is socially acceptable

Have you ever wondered if the age gap between you and your desired partner is OK - not too large?

Do you want to know what the socially acceptable age boundaries of your dating partners should be?

Well, there is a popular rule for this - the relationship age gap rule (a.k.a. the dating age rule, the half your age plus seven rule, the dating equation, etc.)

We created THE MOST ACCURATE DATING AGE CALCULATOR IN THE WORLD that enables you to use this rule to your advantage. It is completely safe and free:

Date of Birth
Year: Month: Day:


        The preselected date of birth is of people who become 25 years old today.

        Change it as you please.

        Click on "do the math".

        Congratulations! Your result will now be calculated and shown to you.

        Worried about providing your date of birth? - Your privacy is protected, as detailed in the Privacy Policy.

        Still worried? - Submit several different dates, your date of birth as one of them randomly.


        The preselected date of birth is of people who become 25 years old today.

        Change it as you please.

        Click on "do the math".

        Congratulations! Your result will now be calculated and shown to you.

        Worried about providing your date of birth? - Your privacy is protected, as detailed in the Privacy Policy.

        Still worried? - Submit several different dates, your date of birth as one of them randomly.

        Unmatched Precision

        The widespread relationship age gap rule (referred to as the half your plus seven rule in Wikipedia) - which is WITHOUT day precision - is not accurate and reliable for the following 3 reasons:

        1. A small change in your age - 1 day - may result in a very large change in the age values of your oldest and youngest suitable dating partners - up to 2 years. (More details here.)
        2. You may become compatible with someone on a given day and then become incompatible with him or her later on. (More details here.)
        3. An average change in your age may result in no change in the age values of your oldest and youngest suitable dating partners. (More details here.)

        The relationship age gap rule WITH day precision - incorporated in the dating age calculator above - fixes these issues.

        Advanced Settings

        The dating age calculator offers the following advanced settings:

        Access the advanced settings from here or from the footer.

        Lots of Explanations and Examples

        Each aspect of:

        is explained and illustrated in the About section.

        You can find examples of how the relationship age gap rule with day precision is manifested in some celebrity marriages in the Celebrity Examples section.

        Lastly, we constantly try to add interesting, informative and useful content in the News section of the website.

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