The Relationship Age Gap Rule with Day Precision

Why the widespread relationship age gap rule - the one WITHOUT day precision - is not accurate and reliable

2023, Feb-01

A small change in your age - 1 day - may result in a very large change in the age values of your oldest and youngest suitable dating partners - up to 2 years


George is 29, to become 30 tomorrow.

Today, his youngest suitable dating partner is 21.5 (21.5 = 29/2 + 7), meaning 21 and a half years old.

Tomorrow, when George will be 30, his youngest suitable dating partner will be 22 (22 = 30/2 + 7).

George will age just 1 day, but the age of his youngest suitable dating partner will increase by 6 months overnight. (Not exactly "Happy Birthday George!")

With regard to George's oldest suitable dating partner, this 1 day will result in a 2-year increase: Today, the age of his oldest suitable dating partner is 44 (44 = (29 - 7) * 2), tomorrow - when George will be 30 - the age of his oldest suitable dating partner will have jumped to 46 (46 = (30 - 7) * 2) overnight.

You may become compatible with someone else on a given day and then become incompatible with him or her later on


Geoff was born on: 1970, August-10. Anne - on: 1990, April-05.

They will become compatible per the widespread relationship age gap rule on: 2023, April-05. On that day, Anne will become 33 years old - the age of Geoff's youngest suitable dating partner (33 = 52/2 + 7, Geoff will still be 52 on that day).

However, on: 2023, August-10, Geoff will become 53, which will change the age of his youngest suitable dating partner to 33.5 (33.5 = 53/2 + 7), meaning 33 and a half years old. On: 2023, August-10, Anne will still NOT be 33 and a half years old. The oldest suitable dating partner for her on that day will still be 52 years old (52 = (33 - 7) * 2), but Geoff will have become 53 already.

Thus, on: 2023, August-10, Geoff and Anne will become incompatible per the widespread relationship age gap rule after having been compatible per it for just over 4 months.

An average change in your age may result in no change in the age values of your oldest and youngest suitable dating partners


Brittney turned 26 a month ago.

Her youngest suitable dating partner today is 20 (20 = 26/2 + 7). Oldest - 38 (38 = (26 - 7) * 2).

In 10 months she will be, well, 10 months older, but the age values of her youngest and oldest suitable dating partners will still be the same as today - 20 and 38 years old respectively.


The widespread relationship age gap rule - the one WITHOUT day precision - causes the three above-described issues due to the fact that its precision - half a year - is too low.

Raising the precision from half a year to one day fixes all of them.

Not mentioning that it actually produces a more accurate result.

You can find a dating age calculator based on the relationship age gap rule WITH day precision on the home page of the current website. Enjoy it!